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Table 1 COCO metrics [42]

From: Comparative analysis of deep learning image detection algorithms

Average precision (AP):



% AP at IoU

.50:.05:.95 (primary challenge metric)

AP(IoU = .50)

% AP at IoU

.50 (PASCAL VOC metric)

AP(IoU = .75)

% AP at IoU

.75 (strict metric)

AP across scales


AP (small)

% AP for small objects

Area < 322

AP (medium)

% AP for medium objects

322 < area < 962

AP (large)

% AP for large objects

Area > 962

Average Recall (AR)


AR (max=1)

% AR given 1 detection per image

AR (max=10)

% AR given 10 detections per image

AR (max=100)

% AR given 100 detections per image

AR across scales


AR (small)

% AR for small objects

Area < 322

AR (medium)

% AR for medium objects

322 < area < 962

AR (large)

% A for large objects

Area > 962