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Table 1 Taxonomy of FS approaches [5, 74, 75]

From: Cooperative co-evolution for feature selection in Big Data with random feature grouping

FS approaches

Evaluation methods

Examples of evaluator

Evaluation criteria

Filter [76]

Distributed FS using SC [77], information theory [78], T-test [79]

Wrapper [80]

k-NN [81], SVM [82]

Embedded [83]

LASSO [84], Gradient boosting [85]

Evolutionary computation

EA [86]

GA [87], GP [88], parallel GA [89]

CEA [25]

CCEA [90]

Swarm optimization [87]

PSO [87], ACO [91]


mRMR-TLBOL [92], CMIM + BGA [93], TLBO + GSA [94]


ABC [95], MA [96], DE [95]

Number of objectives

Single-objective [97]

GA [87]

Multi-objectives [98]

Nondominated sorting GA-II [99]

  1. GP genetic programming, PSO particle swarm optimization, ACO ant colony optimization, TLBO teaching learning-based algorithm, GSA gravitational search algorithm, CMIM conditional mutual information maximization, BGA binary genetic algorithm, mRMR minimum redundancy maximum relevance, TLBOL TLBO with opposition-based learning, DE differential evolution, MA memetic algorithm, LCS learning classifier system, ES evolutionary strategy, ABC artificial bee colony