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Special Issue Proposal Guidelines

The Journal of Big Data welcomes Special Issues (SI) on timely topics related to the field at large.
The objective of Special Issues is to bring together recent and high-quality works in a research
domain, to promote key advances in specific research areas covered by the journal, and to provide
overviews of the state-of-the-art in emerging domains.

Preparing a proposal

All Guest Editors who wish to organize a Special Issue must send a proposal to Drs. Borivoje Furht and Taghi
Khoshgoftaar with the following
• Title
• Short description
• List of topics of interest
• A few sentences explaining the importance of the topic and relevance to the journal’s aims
and scope

• Manuscript submission deadline
• Guest Editor details: Name, Email, Affiliation, Bio and Short CV (incl. list of at most 5
publications related to the SI proposal and links to their institutional webpages)
• Nomination of the Lead Guest Editor
• Draft call for papers (if applicable)

General Notes

This Journal adheres to the standard Peer Review Policy, Process and Guidance as outlined by
Springer under Editorial Policies.

After acceptance of the proposed topic, Guest Editors will manage the peer review process of the
special issue and must obtain a minimum of 2 reviews for each paper. Guest Editors should be well
established experts in the domain of the topic or closely related fields. The Editors-in-Chief are
responsible for the final content published in the journal.

We require our Guest Editors to familiarize themselves with the editorial and publication policies of
the journal and our Springer Nature Code of Conduct before they undertake their SI. Please find
links to these below:
Submission guidelines
JoBD Peer-Review Policy
Code of Conduct

For SIs originating from conferences or workshops, papers are expected to be developed and
extended by 60% with new material. The title and abstract should be updated.

A complete SI will contain a minimum of 5 published articles.

Article Processing Charges

Authors who publish open access in Journal of Big Data are required to pay an article processing
charge (APC). The APC price will be determined from the date on which the article is accepted for
publication. Current APC information is available here.

Visit our open access support portal, our Journal Pricing FAQs and open access funding & support
for further information.

Open Access Funding

Springer Nature offers agreements that enable institutions to cover open access publishing costs.
Authors can learn more about our open access agreements to check their eligibility and discover
whether this journal is included.

Springer Nature offers APC waivers and discounts for articles published in our fully open access
journals whose corresponding authors are based in the world’s lowest income countries (see
our APC waivers and discounts policy for further information). Requests for APC waivers and
discounts from other authors will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and may be granted in
cases of financial need (see our open access policies for journals for more information). All
applications for discretionary APC waivers and discounts should be made by authors at the point of
manuscript submission within the submission system. Requests made during the review process or
after acceptance cannot be considered.