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Fig. 1 | Journal of Big Data

Fig. 1

From: Prognostic stratification based on HIF-1α signaling for evaluating hypoxia status and immune landscape in hepatocellular carcinoma

Fig. 1

Consensus clustering based on HIF-1α related genes divided HCC samples into three clusters. A KM survival analyses for the selected HIF-1α-related genes were exhibited in forest plot. B Subgroups are identified based on the selected HIF-1α-related genes in TCGA HCC cohort by PAM consensus clustering upon their expression levels. Consensus clustering was based on 1000 resampled datasets and k was tested from 2 to 9. Consensus matrices, as well as the consensus cumulative distribution function (CDF) curve, delta area (change in CDF area) plot and Calinski-Harabasz Indexes are shown. C 3D PCA based on HIF-1α cluster exhibited a significant spatial separation of tumor samples. D The KM survival curve for OS showed a significant difference among these three HIF-1α clusters. E Heatmap for the 16 HIF-1α related genes expression and clinicopathological characteristics in different HIF-1α clusters. FH HIF-1α cluster was significantly associated with TNM stage (F) and histologic grade (G), but not vascular invasion (H)

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