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Table 6 Results of interactive conditional samples

From: Transforming the generative pretrained transformer into augmented business text writer


Conditional output

Heath care industry

“in a manner that protects the privacy of patients. We will continue to take this necessary step to ensure that our industry is transparent and accountable,” the department said in its statement. In addition, the department plans to “deregulate the sale of any health care services without a patient consent,” and “work towards an industry-wide ban on involuntary sex trafficking. The Department of Justice has been involved throughout the issue of sex workers and the use of technology, and is actively working with regulators and private-sector partners to better address the issue of human trafficking, the company stated. ”With recent advancements in technology for technology’s sake, sexual exploitation is no longer confined to the virtual realm, but now has become a reality,“ it added. The department said it ”will continue to work with state, federal and private sector partners to improve their policies and laws regarding human trafficking, including protections and the use of technology to protect victims of sex trafficking.” The government’s goal is to help ensure that “we do not, in any way, further endanger any of our citizens, particularly those whom we have entrusted with our law enforcement and public safety responsibilities.” The department added, however, that it “will not tolerate law enforcement personnel, employers, contractors and contractors to be complicit or assist in unlawful human trafficking, as that might undermine our mission.”\(<|\)endoftext\(|>\)“This domain is no longer available, possibly due to a change in the registrar or the domain administrator.”\(<|\)endoftext\(|>\)“What started as a series of tests to see if it could survive the cold, the hot and the humidity is turning into a real life experiment that will test the idea that this tiny space heater might have a practical purpose. For this project, the team set out to conduct the tests using just a standard fridge - just a standard fridge, for short. But they wanted to see what it could do if the temperature inside it dropped by 10 °C—a scenario that will be a reality in 2017. The first test will bring in an air temperature of – 30 °C—something which will kill any kind of bacteria as well as fungi in about two days. As you can imagine, that wasn’t the worst of the worst in the test. A typical fridge—even the kind you’ll find in the kitchen—was just as bad as the prototype at catching bugs. The team has now developed a small freezer for the freezer, which can withstand even lower”

  1. Automatic output generated by the trained model against user given topic/key