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Table 6 Summary of logistic regression used in opinion mining from text

From: Opinion mining for national security: techniques, domain applications, challenges and research opportunities

ML method





SVM + Multinomial NB + LR + RF


To develop a clinical decision support system for the personalised therapy process

Drug review dataset

Positive, negative or neutral

Bernoulli NB + SVM Linear SCV + RF + NNs + LR


To present a comparison among several sentiment analysis classifiers in the learning environment

Twitter (educational opinions in an Intelligent Learning Environment)

Emotions positive or negative, engagement, excited, boredom and frustration

NB + LR + DT


To perform tweets classification with the help of Apache Spark framework

Twitter dataset (Kaggle and Twitter Sentiment Corpus)

Positive, negative or neutral

LR + k-NN + SVM + DT + RF + Ada Boost + Gaussian NB


To analyse the reviews posted by people at four different product websites

Amazon reviews, Yelp reviews, IMDB reviews, Indian Airlines reviews

Positive and negative

Multinomial NB + SVM + LR


To compare the performance of different machine learning algorithms in performing sentiment analysis of Twitter data


Positive or negative

SVM + NB + LR + RF


Mining consumer reviews with a machine learning approach by converting reviews into vector representations for classification

Amazon review dataset

Positive or negative