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Table 3 The attacks in the dataset are broadly classified into 5 categories

From: A novel time efficient learning-based approach for smart intrusion detection system



Brute Force attack

Brute Force is an exhaustive attack in which the hacker tries all the possible combinations to break into a system

Denial of Service (DoS)

DoS is one of the most common attacks in the cyber world. It is a cyber-attack in which the perpetrator launches an attack to make the victim machine or a resource unavailable to the users by flooding the target with massive traffic

Distributed Denial of Service ( DDoS)

DDoS is similar to DoS, and it disrupts the service of the victim machine by sending massive fake traffic to multiple devices on the network

Infiltration Attacks

In this attack, the attacker successfully compromises the victim's machine by exploiting the existing system's vulnerabilities

SQL Injection Attacks

The attacker uses SQL Injection attacks to retrieve unauthorized access to sensitive data by using SQL queries