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Table 1 Summary of challenges and research questions for immersive analytics within the position papers of Olshannikova et al. [26], Chandler et al. [6] and Sadana et al. [31]

From: The affordance of virtual reality to enable the sensory representation of multi-dimensional data for immersive analytics: from experience to insight

Position paper

Challenges/research questions

Visualizing Big Data with AR and VR: challenges and research agenda [26]

1(a) New interaction systems (including voice and gesture)

1(b) Hardware interface (including tactile interfaces)

1(c) Tracking and recognition systems for objects and tools

1(d) Integration of studies on human perception and cognition

1(e) Virtual and physical objects mismatch

1(f) User fatigue with HMD displays

1(g) Education of end users via compelling examples

Immersive Analytics [6]

2(a) New collaboration paradigms enabled by new interaction modalities

2(b) More holistic 3D visualization of abstract data

2(c) Alternative exploration models beyond ‘overview/zoom/filter’

2(d) Affordances of technology to shift from allocentric to immersive views

2(e) Review premises of 3D information viz

2(f) Need for common development platform

Redefining a Contribution for Immersive Analytics Research [31]

3(a) Adapt pre-existing solutions

3(b) Evaluate value of novelty against cognitive physical overhead on user

3(c) Consider practicality of use in practice

3(d) Problems in determining quality of contribution via image or video demonstrations