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Table 3 Summary of random forest (RF) techniques used in opinion mining from text

From: Opinion mining for national security: techniques, domain applications, challenges and research opportunities

ML method







Conducting sentiment analysis of captions on public libraries on Instagram

To understand readers and help libraries deliver better services

hashtags #reading and #read public content on Instagram

Positive and negative



To perform sentiment analysis of real-time 2019 election twitter data

Twitter data (Indian Elections)

Positive and negative

SVM + Multinomial NB + LR + RF


To develop a clinical decision support system for the personalised therapy process

Drug review dataset

Positive, negative or neutral

Bernoulli NB + SVM Linear SCV + RF + NNs + LR


To present a comparison among several sentiment analysis classifiers in the learning environment

Twitter (educational opinions in an Intelligent Learning Environment)

Emotions positive or negative, engagement, excited, boredom and frustration



To presents emotion recognition in email texts

Email text

Neutral, happy, sad, angry, positively surprised and negatively surprised



To evaluate the thoughts of users in the IMDB movie reviews on tweets obtained from different outlets

IMDB dataset, Review Movie

Positive and negative



To extract content from an e-commerce website and analyse it using opinion or sentiment analysis classification model

product review comments (online shopping websites) (Amazon, Flipcart and Snapdeal)

Positive, negative or neutral

LR + k-NN + SVM + DT + RF + Ada Boost + Gaussian NB


To analyse the reviews posted by people at four different product websites

Amazon reviews, Yelp reviews, IMDB reviews, Indian Airlines reviews

Positive and negative



To provide sentiment mining in extracted sentiment from Twitter Social App for analysis of the current trending topic in India and its impact on different sectors of the Indian economy


Positive, negative and neutral

SVM + NB + LR + RF


Mining consumer reviews with a machine learning approach by converting reviews into vector representations for classification

Amazon review dataset

Positive or negative