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Table 2 Summary of Support Vector Machine (SVM) techniques used in opinion mining from text

From: Opinion mining for national security: techniques, domain applications, challenges and research opportunities

ML method







Design opinion classifier for classifying opinions from Bangla text data

Twitter text, English, Bangla

Positive and negative



To extract multi-class emotions from Malayalam text using the proposed approach

Malayalam text

Emotions (joy, sadness, anger, fear, surprise or normal)



To determine the expressed sentiment towards a specified aspect category in a given sentence

Yelp restaurant reviews corpus

Negative, positive and neutral



To propose and analyse new emotion identification method based on online medical knowledge-sharing community

Medical service comments

Positive and negative



To address the challenge of analysing the features of negative sentiment tweets

Twitter (TREC Microblog Track 2013)




To rank colleges based on a single feature, multiple features and no feature

Twitter (colleges)

Positive, negative or neutral sentiment



To determine the polarity of Facebook comments “positive or negative”

Facebook dataset (Tunisian political pages)

Positive and negative



Determines polarity of reviews given by users and provide recommendation list

Twitter stream

Positive and negative



To evaluate the thoughts of users in the IMDB movie reviews on tweets obtained from different outlets

IMDB dataset, Review Movie

Positive and negative

SVM + CRF + Multinomial NB


To present an ensemble framework of text classification which reviews products

Twitter and product review

Positive and negative



Mining consumer reviews with a machine learning approach by converting reviews into vector representations for classification

Amazon review dataset

Positive or negative

SVM + Multinomial NB + DNN


To compare multiple state-of-the-art models capable of classifying game reviews as positive, negative or neutral

Games reviews

Positive, neutral and negative



To classify human sentiment-based movie reviews using various supervised machine learning algorithms

To examine the accuracy of different methods

Internet Movie Database (IMDB)

Positive, negative and neutral



To classify sentiments into positive, negative or neutral polarity using a new similarity measure

Stanford Twitter dataset

Positive, negative or neutral polarity

SVM + Multinomial NB + LR + RF


To develop a clinical decision support system for the personalised therapy process

Drug review dataset

Positive, negative or neutral



To classify a Malay sentiment by proposing a classification model to improve classification performances

Online blogs and forums of Malaysian website

Positive and negative

Fuzzy rule + SVM + ME


Social Media data for decision making to purchase and recommend products online

Twitter text reviews

Positive and negative