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Table 17 Syntax and semantics of description logic [18]

From: Big knowledge-based semantic correlation for detecting slow and low-level advanced persistent threats




C, D

Concepts or Classes

\(C^{{\mathcal {I}}},D^{{\mathcal {I}}}\subseteq \Theta\)

R, S

Relations or Properties

\(R^{{\mathcal {I}}},S^{{\mathcal {I}}}\subseteq \Theta \times \Theta\)

\(C\sqsubseteq D\)

Class subsumption

\(C^{{\mathcal {I}}}\subseteq D^{{\mathcal {I}}}\)

\(R\sqsubseteq S\)

Property subsumption

\(R^{{\mathcal {I}}}\subseteq S^{{\mathcal {I}}}\)

\(C\sqcup D\)

Union of classes

\((C\sqcup D)^{\mathcal {I}}=C^{{\mathcal {I}}}\cup D^{\mathcal {{\mathcal {I}}}}\)

\(C \sqcap D\)

Intersection of classes

\((C \sqcap D)^{{\mathcal {I}}}=C^{{\mathcal {I}}} \cap D^{{\mathcal {I}}}\)

\(\lnot C\)


\((\lnot C)^{\mathcal {I}}=\Theta - C^{{\mathcal {I}}}\)

\(\exists R.C\)

Existential quantification

\({(\exists R.C)}^{\mathcal {I}}=\{a \in \Theta | \exists b, \langle a, b \rangle \in R^{\mathcal {I}} \wedge b \in C^{\mathcal {I}}\}\)

\(\forall R.C\)

Value restriction

\({(\forall R.C)}^{\mathcal {I}}=\{a \in \Theta | \forall b, \langle a, b \rangle \in R^{\mathcal {I}} \rightarrow b \in C^{{\mathcal {I}}}\}\)


Top concept or Thing

\(\top ^{{\mathcal {I}}}=\Theta\)


Bottom concept or Nothing

\(\bot ^{{\mathcal {I}}}=\varnothing\)

  1. - The model is \({\mathcal {M}}=\langle \Theta ,.^ {\mathcal {I}} \rangle\), where
  2. \(~~~\Theta\) is the domain of objects, and
  3. \(~~~{\mathcal {I}}\) is an interpretation function