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Table 2 Notational conventions for the appendices

From: Cumulative deviation of a subpopulation from the full population





Kuiper statistic


\(\Delta _k\)

Expected slope of \(F_j - {\tilde{F}}_j\) from \(j = k-1\) to \(j = k\)



Cumulative response



Cumulative perfectly calibrated response (cumulative success probability)



Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic



Actual probability of success for a Bernoulli trial in synthetic data

(Subsection A.3)


Response—(random) dependent variable, outcome, or result



Success probability score—(non-random) independent variable


\(\sigma \)

Scale of random fluctuations over the full range of success probabilities



Abscissa of the observations for reliability diagrams



Ordinate of the observations for reliability diagrams


  1. Table 1 summarizes the notation used before the appendices. The symbols in the tables are in alphabetical order