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Table 4 Formulations description

From: Optimization of air traffic management efficiency based on deep learning enriched by the long short-term memory (LSTM) and extreme learning machine (ELM)

\(Accuracy = \frac{{{ }TP + TN}}{{TP + {\text{T}}N + FP + FN}}\)

This was the most important criterion for determining the performance of a classification algorithm, which showed the percentage of the proper classification of the total set of the experimental record

\({\text{Rcall}} = \frac{TP}{{TP + FN}}\)

It showed the ability of the algorithm to accurately detect delay

\(Specificity = \frac{TN}{{FP + TN{ }}}\)

It demonstrated the efficiency of the classifier in the accurate prediction of the lack of delay

\({\text{Precision}} = \frac{TP}{{TP + FP{ }}}\)

It demonstrated the ability of the algorithm to detect the positive categories (i.e., delay)

\({\text{F - measure}} = \frac{{2*Recall*Precision{ }}}{{Precision + Recall{ }}}\)

It showed the harmonic mean between accuracy and recall

\(R{\text{MSE}}\sqrt {\mathop \sum \limits_{{{\text{t}} = 1}}^{{\text{n}}} \left( {{\text{y}} - {\text{y}}} \right)^{2} /{\text{n}}}\)

Measuring the accuracy of the predicted rates compared to the correct rates

\({\text{MSE}} = \mathop \sum \limits_{{{\text{t}} = 1}}^{{\text{n}}} \left( {{\text{y}} - {\text{y}}} \right)^{2} /{\text{n}}\)

It was a statistical tool to determine the predictive accuracy in modeling


If the distribution of two datasets in a dataset was not the same, this criterion was used to calculate the accuracy of the introduced method