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Table 1 Theme classification model

From: An analysis of COVID-19 economic measures and attitudes: evidence from social media mining

Topic and subtopics

Example post or tweet (translated into English)


There is a plan! The state will cover part of the salaries of employees, and pay the self-employed and part-timers who have been deprived of earnings due to the pandemic

The Social Security Office / Taxes / Finances / Anti-crisis shield

Check out what help your company can get

Ineffective relief

Entrepreneurs have no illusions since yesterday. They are disappointed with the anti-crisis package solutions announced by the government

Leaky anti-crisis shield—companies point out shortcomings

 Catastrophic effects of the pandemic

The shield doesn’t work. The labour market is collapsing. Apart from the self-employed, we have lost 153,000 full-time jobs. Salaries down, unemployment sharply up

 Problems with administering the relief package

Entrepreneurs have been waiting for the funds due for the third month

Effective and adequate relief

The anti-crisis shield is adequate at the moment. It should shield the economy from the effects of the crisis

 Personal story

A real anti-crisis shield. A landlord has reduced rent to 1 PLN. The florist—tenant praises him

Long term effects

Hard times are approaching. And I don't mean the pandemic time alone, but what happens afterwards. Total economic crisis, people out of work, and many companies going bankrupt. The country will be destroyed like after the war (…)

What will happen to pensions after the pandemic? Pensions are another coronavirus victim. The provisions of the anti-crisis shield disturb the balance of public finances, taking about PLN 39 billion from the social security system. Forecasts for the coming months and years are not optimistic