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Table 2 System requirement

From: Big data actionable intelligence architecture






Number of streaming location supported

150 streaming location

100 streaming location

Data Variety

Structured, Unstructured, Semi-structured

Structured, Unstructured, Semi-structured

Structured, Semi-structured

Average Throughput Per Location

Average data transfer rate per location

1 Mbps per source Location

0.50 Mbps per source location

Average Data Latency

Time measured from data creation to the time the data has arrived and indexed into our system

Less than or equal to the polling frequency

max (polling frequency, data update frequency) + 2 min

Data Management Guarantees

Level of guarantee on which message to be processed

Fully process each message

Drop message on failure

Traffic Classification Accuracy

Traffic Classification Accuracy

95% accuracy on trained location

90% accuracy on trained location