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Table 1 Overview of the boosting approaches

From: Boosting methods for multi-class imbalanced data classification: an experimental review


Brief description


AdaBoost.M1 [43]

A multiclass variation of AdaBoost which uses multiclass base classifier

Weight of each base classifiers is a function of error rate


AdaBoost.M2 [43]

A multiclass variation of AdaBoost

Weight of each base classifiers is a function of pseudo-loss


GentleBoost [45]

Extended version for AdaBoost which uses Newton steps

Using weighted least-squares regression for fitting the base classifiers


CSB1 [58]

A Cost-sensitive variation of AdaBoost proposed for handling imbalanced data

Adding cost item into the weight update formula of AdaBoost

Removing step size coefficient from the weight update formula of AdaBoost


CSB2 [58]

A Cost-sensitive variation of AdaBoost proposed for handling imbalanced data

Adding cost item into the weight update formula of AdaBoost

The step size is considered in the weight update formula, like AdaBoost


MAdaBoost [59]

Proposed with the goal of solving the AdaBoost's sensitivity to noise

Modifying the weight update formula of AdaBoost


RareBoost [60, 61]

An improvement for AdaBoost

Using different weight update scheme for positive and negative predictions

Considering False Positive, True Positive, True Negative and False Negative in step size calculation


Modest AdaBoost [62]

An improvement of GentleBoost

Using different weight update formula for misclassified and truly classified samples

Using inverted distribution to assign larger weights to truly classified samples


JOUSBoost [63]

Proposed with the goal of handling imbalanced data in AdaBoost algorithm

Combining the jittering of the data and sampling techniques with AdaBoost


ABC-LogitBoost [47]

An improvement of LogitBoost for multiclass classification

Solving the difficulties of dense Hessian Matrix in Logistic loss


AdaBoost.HM [64]

A multiclass variation of AdaBoost which uses hypothesis margin

Using multiclass base classifiers instead of decomposing the multiclass classification problem into multiple binary problems


RAMOBoost [65]

Proposed with the goal of imbalanced data handling

Combining Ranked Minority Oversampling with AdaBoost.M2

Using the sampling probability distribution for ranking the minority class samples


AOSO-LogitBoost [48]

One versus one version of LogitBoost for multiclass classification

Solving the difficulties of dense Hessian Matrix in Logistic loss by utilizing vector tree and adaptive block coordinate descent techniques


CD-MCBoost [66]

Performing coordinate descent on multiclass loss function

Concentration of each base classifier on margin maximization of a single class


EUSBoost [67]

An improvement of RUSBoost which uses evolutionary undersampling

Using different subsets of majority class samples in the training phase of each base classifier to ensure diversity


RB-Boost [68]

Combining Random Balance with AdaBoost.M2

Using SMOTE sampling to deal with imbalanced data problem

The difference with SMOTEBoost is using random proportion of classes in each iteration of booting to ensure the diversity of base classifiers


LIUBoost [69]

Proposed with the goal of imbalanced data handling

Using undersampling in order to solve the imbalanced data problem

Adding a cost term to the weight update formula of the samples


TLUSBoost [70]

Proposed with the goal of imbalanced data handling

Using Tomek-linked and redundancy-based undersampling for removing outlier samples