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Table 1 Some recent attempts to improve different aspects of CNNs

From: Enlarging smaller images before inputting into convolutional neural network: zero-padding vs. interpolation

Network architecture

Convolutional layers

Network in network

Lin et al. [30]

Inception and improved Inception models

Szegedy et al. [46, 47]

Doubly convolution

Zhai et al. [60]

Pooling layers

Lp pooling

Sermanet et al. [40]

Stochastic pooling

Zeiler and Fergus [57]

Fractional max pooling

Graham [11]

Mixed pooling

Yu et al. [55]

Gated pooling

Lee et al. [28]

Tree pooling

Lee et al. [28]

Spectral pooling

Rippel et al. [38]

Spatial pyramid pooling

Grauman and Darrell [12], He et al. [18], Lazebnik et al. [27], Yang et al. [54]

Multiscale orderless pooling

Gong et al. [9]

Transformation invariant pooling

Laptev et al. [26]

Nonlinear activation functions

Rectified linear unit (ReLU)


Nair and Hinton [35]

Leaky rectified linear unit (LReLU)


Maas et al. [32]

Parametric rectified linear unit (PReLU)


He et al. [19]

Adaptive piecewise linear (APL) activation functions


Agostinelli et al. [1]

Randomized rectified linear unit (RReLU)


National Data Science Bowl |Kaggle [36]

Exponential linear unit (ELU)


Clevert et al. [4]

S-shaped rectified linear unit (SReLU)


Jin et al. [23]

Maxout activations


Goodfellow et al. [10]

Probout activations


Springenberg and Riedmiller [42]

Loss function

Softmax loss


Liu et al. [31]

Contrastive and triplet losses


Liu et al. [31]

Large margin loss


Liu et al. [31]

L2-SVM loss


Collobert and Bengio [5], Nagi et al. [34]

Regularization mechanisms



Hinton et al. [21], Srivastava et al. [43]

Fast dropout


Wang and Manning [51]

Adaptive dropout


Ba and Frey [2]

Multinomial dropout and evolutional dropout


Li et al. [29]

Spatial dropout


Tompson et al. [48]

Nested dropout


Rippel et al. [37]

Max pooling dropout


Wu and Gu [53]



Wan et al. [49]

Optimization techniques

Enhanced initialization schemes

Xavier initialization

Glorot and Bengio [8]

Theoretically derived adaptable initialization

He et al. [19]

Standard fixed initialization

Krizhevsky et al. [25]

Layer sequential unit variance initialization

Mishkin and Matas [33]

Skip connections

Highway networks

Srivastava et al. [44, 45]

Residual networks

He et al. [17]

Improved residual networks

He et al. [20]

Densely connected convolutional networks

Huang et al. [22]