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Table 8 Summary of different techniques in video analysis

From: Intelligent video surveillance: a review through deep learning techniques for crowd analysis




Data set

Scenario-based query processing for video-surveillance archives [95]

Query processing system and inverted tracking


PETS 2006 and PETS 2007

Activity retrieval in large surveillance videos [96]

Dynamic matching algorithm

Query creation GUI

Pets, Mit traffic

Integrated video object tracking with applications in trajectory-based event detection [97]

Adaptive particle sampling and Kalman filtering

Not mentioned

PETS 2001 test dataset1, camera 1

Evidential event inference in transport video surveillance [98]

Using spatio-temporal correlations for reasoning

Jones and Viola face detector

Own data set

Abnormal event detection based on analysis of movement information of video sequence [99]

Optical flow and Hidden Markov model

Not mentioned


Anomalous entities detection and localization in pedestrian flows [100]

Gaussian kernel based feature integration and R-CRF model based classification

Not mentioned


Snatch theft detection in unconstrained surveillance videos using action attribute modelling [101]

A large GMM called universal attribute model


Own Dataset Snatch 1.0

ArchCam: real time expert system for suspicious behaviour detection in ATM site [102]

Image processing technique

NVIDIA Tegra TX1 SoC 340 with quad core ARM processor and 256 cores GPU

Videos under a mock ATM setup