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Table 1 Research work related to machine learning classifiers for sentiment analysis

From: An ensemble approach to stabilize the features for multi-domain sentiment analysis using supervised machine learning


Technical approach

Accuracy in  %

Dataset domain

Pang et al. (2002) [25]

Applied N-gram model with NB, SVM, ME


Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

Dave et al. (2003) [8]

Used N-gram model for feature extraction with SVM, NB classifier


Product review from Amazon and CNET

Annett and Kondrak (2008) [9]

Considered WordNet as Lexical resource with SVM, NB, Decision Tree classifier


Movie reviews (IMDb)- 1000 (+) and 1000 (−) reviews

Ye et al. (2009) [12]

NB, SVM classifier used for classification


Travel blogs

Mouthami et al. (2013) [11]

TF-IDF and POS tagging with fuzzy classification algorithm


Movie review dataset

Zha et al. (2014) [17]

SVM, NB, ME classifier adopted with evaluation matrices F1-Measure


Customer reviews (feedback)

Habernal et al. (2014) [26]

N-gram and POS related features and emoticons are selected using MI, CHI, OR, RS method. Classifier ME and SVM used for classification


Dataset from social media

Zhang et al. (2015) [10]

Use word2vec for features with SVM classifier for classification


Chinese review dataset

Luo et al. (2016) [21]

First transform the text into low dimensional emotional space (ESM), next implement SVM, NB, DT classifier


Stock message text data