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Table 13 Node specifications

From: Chabok: a Map-Reduce based method to solve data warehouse problems

Query 8

Compute the net profit of stores located in 400 Metropolitan areas with more than 10 preferred customers

Qualification substitution parameters

□ ZIP.01 = 24128 ZIP.81 = 57834 ZIP.161 = 13354 ZIP.241 = 15734 ZIP.321 = 78668

□ ZIP.02 = 76232 ZIP.82 = 62878 ZIP.162 = 45375 ZIP.242 = 63435 ZIP.322 = 22245

□ ZIP.03 = 65084 ZIP.83 = 49130 ZIP.163 = 40558 ZIP.243 = 25733 ZIP.323 = 15798


Query 19

Select the top revenue generating products bought by out of zip code customers for a given year, month and manager. Qualification substitution parameters

□ MANAGER.01 = 8

□ MONTH.01 = 11

□ YEAR.01 = 1998

Query 38

Display count of customers with purchases from all 3 channels in a given year

Qualification substitution parameters

□ DMS.01 = 1200

Query 41

How many items do we carry with specific combinations of color, units, size and category

Qualification substitution parameters

□ MANUFACT.01 = 738

□ SIZE.01 = medium

□ SIZE.02 = extra large

□ SIZE.03 = N/A

□ SIZE.04 = small

□ SIZE.05 = petite

□ SIZE.06 = large

□ UNIT.01 = Ounce

□ UNIT.02 = Oz

□ UNIT.03 = Bunch

□ UNIT.04 = Ton

□ UNIT.05 = N/A

□ UNIT.06 = Dozen


Query 42

For each item and a specific year and month calculate the sum of the extended sales price of store transactions

Qualification substitution parameters

□ MONTH.01 = 11

□ YEAR.01 = 2000

Query 45

Report the total web sales for customers in specific zip codes, cities, counties or states, or specific items for a given year and quarter

Qualification substitution parameters

□ QOY.01 = 2

□ YEAR.01 = 2001

□ GBOBC = ca_city

Query 51

Report the total of extended sales price for all items of a specific brand in a specific year and month

Qualification substitution parameters

□ MONTH.01 = 11

□ YEAR.01 = 2000

Query 55

For a given year, month and store manager calculate the total store sales of any combination all brands

Qualification Substitution Parameters

□ MANAGER.01 = 28

□ MONTH.01 = 11

□YEAR.01 = 1999

Query 82

Find customers who tend to spend more money (net-paid) on-line than in stores

Qualification substitution parameters

MANUFACT_ID.01 = 129

MANUFACT_ID.02 = 270

MANUFACT_ID.03 = 821

MANUFACT_ID.04 = 423

INVDATE.01 = 2000-05-25

PRICE.01 = 62

Query 84

List all customers living in a specified city, with an income between 2 values

Qualification substitution parameters

INCOME.01 = 38128

CITY.01 = Edgewood

Query 98

Report on items sold in a given 30 day period, belonging to the specified category

Qualification substitution parameters

□ YEAR.01 = 1999

□ SDATE.01 = 1999-02-22

□ CATEGORY.01 = Sports

□ CATEGORY.02 = Books

□ CATEGORY.03 = Home