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Table 2 Symptoms, signs and laboratory investigations of the dataset of the heart disease

From: Advanced machine learning techniques for cardiovascular disease early detection and diagnosis




Patient’s Age/year


Patient’s Gender, Male/Female

Type of chest pain

Type of chest pain:

i. TA: Typical Angina

ii. ATA: Atypical Angina

iii. NAP: Non-Anginal Pain

iv. ASY: Asymptomatic

Resting blood pressure

Patient’s Blood Pressure/mmHg.

Total Cholesterol

Patient’s Cholesterol (mg/dl).

Blood Glucose level (Fasting)

Patient’s fasting blood glucose level.

i. glucose >120 mg/dL =1

ii. glucose below 120 mg/dL =0

ECG at rest

Electrocardiography (at rest):

i. Normal

ii. ST: ST segment and/or T wave abnormality

iii. LVH: Probable or Definite Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

Heart Rate at Maximum

Maximum Heart Rate, heart beats per minute.

Angina on Exercising

Exercise-associated Angina, present /absent.

Old peak

Measure of ST Depression.


Slope of Peak Exercise.

i. Up: up sloping

ii. Flat

iii. Down: down sloping