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Table 5 Comparison of the proposed OL-CDACNN and previous methods

From: Automatic diagnosis of keratitis using object localization combined with cost-sensitive deep attention convolutional neural network



Kuo et al. [24]

Gu et al. [25]

Redd et al. [26]

Ghosh et al. [27]

What was solved

Accurately locate the region of Conj_Cor associated with keratitis lesions from original slit-lamp images

Provide automatic screening of keratitis, other cornea abnormalities, and normal cornea based on slit-lamp images, with a better performance than conventional CNNs

Substantial slit-lamp images from multiple-centers verified the effectiveness and generalizability of the model

Provide a promising tool for improving first‑line medical care at rural area in early identification of FK

The DL algorithm may be useful for computer‑assisted corneal disease diagnosis with excellent performance

Develop computer vision models for image-based differentiation of bacterial and fungal corneal ulcers

Apply DL algorithms for rapidly discriminating between FK and BK


SSD for accurately locating the region of Conj_Cor

Deep attention modules and cost-sensitive method were applied to enhance the expression of keratitis-related features and address the imbalanced data problem

DenseNet for discerning FK

Inception-v3 with multi-task multi-label classification layer

MobileNet, DenseNet, ResNet, VGG were compared and applied to distinguish BK and FK

CNN and ensemble learning for distinguishing FK and BK

Outcomes (95% CI)

 Accuracy (%)






 Sensitivity (%)






 Specificity (%)













12,407 slit-lamp images collected from Ningbo Eye Hospital, Jiangdong Eye Hospital, Ningbo Ophthalmic Center, and Zhejiang Eye Hospital

288 slit-lamp images collected from Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

5325 ocular surface slit-lamp images collected from Shanghai Eye, Ear, Nose, and Troat Hospital and the Afliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University

980 slit-lamp images obtained from one study site within the Aravind Eye Care System in South India

2167 slit-lamp anterior segment images from 194 patients collected from Ophthalmology Department

  1. FK fungal keratitis, BK bacterial keratitis, DL deep learning, CI confidence interval, AUC area under curve, Conj_Cor the region of conjunctiva and cornea