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Table 1 Difference between privacy and security

From: Big data privacy: a technological perspective and review





Privacy is the appropriate use of user’s information

Security is the “confidentiality, integrity and availability” of data


Privacy is the ability to decide what information of an individual goes where

Security offers the ability to be confident that decisions are respected


The issue of privacy is one that often applies to a consumer’s right to safeguard their information from any other parties

Security may provide for confidentiality. The overall goal of most security system is to protect an enterprise or agency [72]


It is possible to have poor privacy and good security practices

However, it is difficult to have good privacy practices without a good data security program


For example, if user make a purchase from XYZ Company and provide them payment [13] and address information in order for them to ship the product, they cannot then sell user’s information to a third party without prior consent to user

The company XYZ uses various techniques (Encryption, Firewall) in order to prevent data compromise from technology or vulnerabilities in the network

  1. Focuses on additional difference between privacy and security